The Greek girl behind the soap...

I’m Efi Kyriazidis, the founder and soap maker behind Greek Girl Artisan Soap. I have always loved art since I was a child, and I knew my life always needed this at the center of it. Never thought that art would be soap making, but here we (happily) are. What made me fall in love with soap making is that it is a romantic marriage of art and chemistry. There are so many components to this craft, from the endless choices of quality ingredients and oils, the alluring scents and blends that can be concocted, to the infusion of vibrant colors and designs that can be brought to life. If you think about it, handmade soap tantalizes most of our senses… from the visual aesthetics, aromatic scents, and tactile experience of the bar itself as it lathers and creates luxurious bubbles once it interacts with water. It truly is an all-encompassing experience, and I strive to create consumable pieces of art for your enjoyment (and cleanliness). Most importantly, I craft these soaps using ingredients that are genuinely beneficial for your skin, your body’s largest organ!

I also have a passion for my Greek culture and love to infuse it into my creations, sharing my rich heritage with you through my work.

I thrive on learning and creating, always pushing myself to understand how things work. I also appreciate moments spent immersing myself in art and the natural beauty that surrounds me. Thank you all, new followers and faithfully loyal customers alike, for being here, following, and supporting my journey!

💙🤍 Love & αγάπη – Efi, Greek Girl Artisan Soap